Quality resources for early childhood services.
Senior Teacher Learning Online Shop
About Us
We are a team of experienced writers and facilitators for the education sector in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Our resources are written by our experienced team who have over 50 years experience in Early Childhood Education in New Zealand. We are a New Zealand based company and Kirstin Prince leads our resource development. Kirstin produces quality robust resources that support governance, management and teachers to achieve regulatory compliance and strengthen the quality for early learning services. Kirstin has been a teacher, team leader, centre manager, lecturer, facilitator, led the implementation of pay parity for the kindergarten sector when they got parity with primary teachers, and has led the early childhood professional development delivery for the National Office of the Ministry of Education (twice 2005 and 2013-2015).
Why now?
The current state of our sector has prompted Kirstin to sell her learning resources to provide support for managers, owners, boards, team leaders, teachers and educators.
"Over recent years I have been concerned with the growing gap between graduate teachers, recently fully certificated teachers and what employers need from employees to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. I have noticed a significant lack of knowledge and understanding of the Curriculum Criteria and Health and Safety Criteria in teacher practice. Managers and governance are required to implement, Tātaiako, Tapasā, new requirements for person responsible, and parity. These are some of the recent changes that need to be complied with. The risk to employers of employees not able to deliver this learning in their practice is a change of licence status. Therefore employers need to ensure they set themselves up in a way that reduces the risk to their licence; strengthens human resource management practices and enables quality early learning for children and whānau. Work place change for services implementing parity rates should be accompanied with strengthened job descriptions. Job descriptions can also help with the attitudinal issues many employers are facing. These are some of the reasons behind why I have decided to create this online store. My resources are quality and the prices are fair." Kirstin Prince

Get in touch
Emailing us is the best way to get in touch. We are often out working with early learning services. We do check our emails regularly throughout the day.
Store is open 24/7 online
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm - we can respond to queries.