This resource is designed for you and the teaching team to work through the Governance, Management and Administration Standard and think about how each of the Governance, Management and Administration Criteria is evident in your services systems and processes. Links are made to specific webpages that can help understand the expectations from Ministry of Education and Ministry Business Innovation and Employment.
Many services have a folder of policies and procedures. There are four standards Governance Management and Administration, Health and Safety, Curriculum and Premises and Facilities. Within each of the Standards there are multiple criteria that a service needs to comply with. However, not all the criteria need a policy and procedure, but the service still needs to know and have evidence that they are compliant with all the criteria. Our operation manuals follow the current licensing requirements and also the Education Review Office (ERO) self audit tool. As a DIY guide this tool enables you to use your existing policies and procedures and it will ensure that the information is then filed in a way that is consistent with the Standards and Criteria.
This guide includes safety checking procedures for GMA7a, our annual planning guide, appraisal and professional growth cycle procedures, and planning professional development for staff. If you do not have current policies and procedures you may find them in our shop. We are adding in new policies and procedures all the time.