Kirstin can help you with a wide range of areas in early learning from policies and procedures, human resources, governance and management, designing appraisals and professional growth cycles and updating job descriptions to meet parity expectations. Kirstin can help you to complete the requirements for a new early learning service and the licensing process with the EC3 requirements. Kirstin can also help with health and safety, premises and facilities, and curriculum requirements. Kirstin has worked with home based services and centres implementing regulatory requirements. Kirstin can support you with investigating complaints. Additional learning programmes in curriculum include assessment, planning and evaluation, Te Whāriki (2017), internal evaluations, learning environments, mathematics, engineering, arts, science, technology, social competence.
If you would like more than one hour please increase the quantity i.e. 2 = two hours. We will confirm your preferred date and time or suggest and alternative.