This job description is for an employee that is currently undertaking study for an early childhood qualification. This job description is also used for the beginning teacher with a provisional practicing certificate. The format for the job description is consistent with how Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) advise on writing job descriptions. It describes what is required through the key tasks and key performance indicators and it describes how the job should be done with the attributes and dispositions the employee should demonstrate while carrying out their key tasks. This job description has regard for the National Education Learning Priorities (NELP); relevant Curriculum Criteria and Health and Safety Criteria. It includes descriptors to ensure shared understanding between employer and employee pertaining to the key performance indicators. Cultural competencies are embedded in this job description that support NELP, Tātaiako, Tapasā, Curriculum Criteria 5 and 6.
This job description comes with a guide on how to implement this job description; a work change process that is consistent with MBIE advice.