The format for the job description is consistent with how Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) advice on writing job descriptions. It describes what is required through the key tasks and key performance indicators and it describes how the job should be done with the attributes and dispositions the employee should demonstrate while carrying out their key tasks. This job description has links to relevant Curriculum Criteria and Health and Safety Criteria. It includes descriptors to ensure shared understanding between employer and employee pertaining to the key performance indicators. Cultural competencies are embedded in this job description that support Tātaiako, Tapasā, Curriculum Criteria 5, 6 and 7.
When primary teachers achieved parity with secondary teachers, and kindergarten teachers achieved parity with primary teachers the job descriptions were strengthened as part of the process of implementing parity. I lead a team of six when we implemented parity with the kindergarten sector. Now that some early childhood services are implementing parity I would encourage services to create a work change plan process from MBIE and strengthen the job descriptions. I would also suggest the Salary Progression Policy as this combines MBIE and Ministry of Education advice on salary progression. Our job descriptions come with a work change plan process and a document to explain the job descriptions and implement the work change process.